Saturday, March 20, 2010

the TV junkie

My one-and-a-half year old child is sick.

He has a cough
and a runny nose
and an extremely cranky disposition.

He doesn't want to be held
or to be put down
or to be fed

all he wants is to watch tv.

And I am tired.

Tired of the crankiness

tired of trying to be patient and empathetic

tired of my apparent inability to do anything right.

I spilled an entire bag of frozen peas.
I was trying to make him some lunch
while holding him on my hip

he was crying

I set the bag of peas onto the counter
where it then tipped onto the floor
and peas scattered in every direction

so I gave up.

I left the peas

and he is now watching tv.

and as I write this I can hear him giggling
because a dog stuck his tongue out in front of the camera

and I am trying to not be frustrated that a dog can garner his affections
but all my cuddling and singing and reading could not.

there will probably be a lot of television viewing in my home today

oh well.

I have peas to clean up


  1. His Auntie Laynie is sick too. He and I should be cuddling together in front of the TV while you make both of us peas.
    Or, if you had a real dog, he would clean the peas up for you. I know Bella would. She's way better than a vacuum cleaner or a broom.
    And then you could just sit on the couch next to us sickies and we would all watch mindless television together.
    And it would turn into a great day.
    When are you moving to Fresno?

  2. oh short expierence as a mother has lead me to those moments as well when you think nothing we do as mothers it right...but I think monster and bee are some of the most perfect kids around...we must have had some thing to do with that! Just remember for every bad day there seem to be a million good ones!! Your a great mom and example to is lucky to have you!!
