Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Blog,

i hate you.


i don't like blogging.

it takes up way too much time.
each post takes me almost an hour.
(although, I probably should write shorter posts)

and yet, for some reason,
i want people to read you

as in, people who aren't just my mother
(love you, Mom! thanks for reading!)

i don't know why.

maybe it is to verify that i have some degree of creativity
or that i have merit beyond my role as a wife and mother.

either way, it is definitely self-aggrandizing.

so you can probably take this as my pledge to be better.
to write on you more

i actually have a whole list of things i want to post about
not to mention the billions of posts i write in my head on a daily basis

but then i sit down in front of the computer and i am just too tired

my toddler is wearing me out

i have been feeling really lazy lately

and to top it all, i have been in a fashion slump

and the blahness of me has made me ignore you.


i'm working on it.

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